
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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New procedures for Children and Parents during lockdown

Children must arrive at school between 8:50-9:00am and will enter as normal through the pedestrian gate. The one way system will remain in place.

Reception class children will be dropped off at their classroom door as normal at 9:00am once the other children have left the playground.

Collection times are as follows and children should be collected from their normal collection point:

Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 - Collect at 3:00pm (2:30pm on a Friday)

Y5 and Y6 - Collect at 3:05pm (2:30pm on a Friday)

Paid breakfast and after school club will still be running and you can continue to book after school club sessions with Jenny.

School lunches are still available for both paid and free children and children can bring a packed lunch if they wish.

Full uniform is to be worn by all children. PE and forest school sessions will start next week.
