
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Year 3I Mrs Ingram

I’m Mrs Ingram and I have the pleasure of teaching year 3 alongside Mr Borelan. The children have now started their journey into the juniors and will aim to develop the key skills of independence and resilience that are essential for their life long journey with learning. In year 3 we aim to create a classroom where a 'can-do' attitude is at the centre of everything we do. We aim to create a positive and encouraging environment where we support and look after one another.

We aim to create a fun, but challenging curriculum. We adopt a creative approach to the curriculum which allows learning to be more meaningful for the children. This allows us to cover many areas of learning throughout each topic. During our first half term we will be investigation plants, creating multimedia presentations and designing and making our own watering cans. In English we will studying stories with a familiar setting, poetry and explanation texts.

I believe working together is vital for children to achieve their full potential so please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any concerns.

Information for Parents

Children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes each night with reading books to be signed and brought to school every morning. P.E will be on a Monday and Friday, and full P.E kit must remain in school until the end of every half term.

Spellings will be sent home each week and tested on a Friday.

I can’t stress enough how important it is that children know their times tables. If there is any spare time at home you could practise these as it will really help your child.

Please make sure to check our class page every half term to see what we have been up to in Year 3. Thank you.
