
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Year 2 - Mr Borelan

Hello! My name is Mrs Boardman and I have the pleasure of teaching in our Year 2 team alongside Miss Karalius. Mrs Shelley will work with us during this fun and productive year.


In Year 2 we continue our journey through Key Stage 1 by becoming really independent learners. The children develop a 'can-do' attitude in a positive and encouraging environment. The curriculum is challenging and exciting, providing the children with as many positive learning experiences as possible. Highlights whilst in Year 2 include exploring the geography of the outdoor school environment, Forest School sessions each Friday, designing, making and evaluating our own fruit jellies plus visits in the local community including the local library.


The children are all becoming enthusiastic readers and to ensure that they continue to make the best progress possible, it is vital for them to read at home each night along with being heard read whilst in school.


Should you have any questions about teaching and learning in Year 2, or any worries or concerns, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. Your support is very much appreciated as we continue on our learning journey together.


In our ICT lessons this half term we have been looking at collecting, exploring and recording data and have presented data as bar charts, presented data in a pie chart and created line graphs to show changes over time.

Mrs Popova has been teaching us gymnastics skills during our PE lessons this half term, We have developed our core skills and our ability to move using different equipment and body parts.

In History we have been learning about how the school has changed and what changes have occurred to local people. We were lucky to be able to interview Tommy and Harry as older people from the community to find out more.

As part of our Science sessions, Year 2 examined what are the wants and needs of humans. The children really enjoyed discussing the differences between wants and needs and justified their opinions in groups with each other.

Year 2 learnt about some local history on our trip to Ditton Library. The children found out about a local man, Richard Bancroft  from Farnworth who lived over 400 years ago, went to university then became a priest and Archbishop of Canterbury. He worked for King James I, had links to the Gunpowder plot and was also involved in translating a copy of the King James Bible.

Our Library Visit

Making our fruit jellies

The children have particularly enjoyed their outdoor learning, collaborating and working creatively as a team and solving problems.

Forest School Fun!

In our music lessons Year 2 have listened to different kinds of music and have learnt to sing new songs. The children have also begun to play accompaniments to songs using instruments including drums, tambourines and glockenspiels.

Enjoying our Music Lessons

What a performance! We thoroughly enjoyed our nativity play and hope that you did too!

Christmas Nativity play - A King is Born

We used sewing to attach the materials together in order to make our Christmas stockings.

Making our Christmas Stockings

We are class 2B!

A great first week for class 2B!

Our classroom is ready! Can't wait to see all the children!
