
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Year 5/6 Mrs Hillier

Welcome year 5 and 6


Our new school year has begun and the children are already working hard, building resilience, making new friends and showing a positive attitude towards their school life.


In our classroom, we aim to be the best we can be in order to reach our full potential. We approach our class work with a can-do attitude and support and guide one another in our learning journey.


This year we will have a range of new learning experiences in order to challenge our thinking and deepen our understanding. Our learning will be fun and exciting and we will make many memories to remember in our final years of primary school. As well as developing our academic ability, we will grow in confidence and further our independence as young people ready for our journey into high school. As the older members of our school, we will set an example to our younger pupils.


Please remember our door is always open at St. Michael’s. If you ever have any worries, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mrs Hillier

What are we learning about this half term?


Our topic this half term is ‘Manfish’ and it is centred around the book written by Jennifer Berne. This book is about the life of a famous oceanographer – Jacques Cousteau. In English, our outcome will be to write a biography and in Science our learning will be about living things and their habitats. We will focus particularly on how animals are classified.



We will focus on place value for the first 4 weeks, learning how to read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000, how to round numbers and we will study negative numbers. In all of our work we will learn the skill required and then reason and problem solve to deepen our understanding and further our thinking.


Come and See


Our first topic is ‘Loving’. This will include talking about how we love and care for one another and that God’s love is unconditional and never ending. 




Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday and this half term we will be practising our rugby skills and improving our gymnastic ability.
