
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Year 2B Mrs Boardman

Hello! My name is Mrs Boardman and this year I have the pleasure of teaching in Year 2 alongside Miss Owens. I am looking forward to working together so that we have a fun and productive year.


In Year 2 we become real independent learners. The children develop a 'can-do' attitude in a positive and encouraging environment. Our aim is to deliver a curriculum that is challenging and exciting, providing the children with as many positive learning experiences as possible. The children are becoming enthusiastic readers and to ensure that they continue to make the best progress possible, it is vital for them to read at home each night along with being heard read whilst in School.


In school, I am continuing my role as Music coordinator and can’t wait to work once again with our fabulous school choir. I am also delighted to be working again with the student council this year too and look forward to electing our Year 2 members!  


Should you have any questions about teaching and learning in Year 2, or any worries or concerns, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. Your continued support is very much appreciated as we embark on the exciting year ahead.

First week back and a visit to our lovely prayer garden.


About our Curriculum

For the first half term, our topic is The Enchanted Wood. We will be reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson and our English work will be based around this book. Maths will focus on place value and different methods of calculation. In science, we will also be looking how seeds and plants grow, investigating the conditions needed for growth. In geography, we are using world maps, atlases and globes to identify the UK, continents and oceans, using simple compass directions and aerial photographs. The children will get to use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of our school. We will be using a range of materials to design and make owl products, drawing and painting to develop and share our ideas, experiences and imagination. For Come and See we are leaning about Beginnings for the first four weeks and then will be moving on to learn about Signs and Symbols. The children are also extremely fortunate to be working with Miss Ainsworth each week on a Friday afternoon enhancing their learning through Forest School.


P.E. will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Children are to keep their P.E. kits in school each half term. Our P.E. kit at St Michael's is a navy blue top and shorts with the school crest on.
