
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Year 3B Mr Borelan

Hello and welcome to Year 3! I am delighted to be teaching in Year 3 again this year with a new group of fabulous children. After a relaxing Summer break, I am excited to begin my second full year of teaching in St. Michael’s and this year will again be full of memorable and challenging learning experiences. There are so many days to look forward to this year including trips throughout the year, visitors working with classes in school as well as opportunities to participate in after school clubs and swimming later in the year. Having already had the chance to work with my new class, I am delighted to have group of children who have a positive attitude towards their learning and they will continue to develop as independent learners in Year 3. In Year 3, we also take pride in everything that we do while at the same time enjoying and making the most of our time in school.


Our Curriculum - Autumn Term

Each half term, our curriculum will be based around a chosen book. During Autumn 1, we will be reading 'Voices in the Park' by Anthony Browne and then 'Leon and the Place Between' by Angela McAllister in Autumn 2. In Maths we will begin with place value followed by each of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) up to the end of the Autumn term. We will be learning about plants in Science in the first half term followed by light and shadows in Autumn 2. There are also many other engaging activities planned linked to our topic for Art, DT, Music and ICT which can be viewed on our curriculum pages.


Information for Parents

Children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes each night with reading books to be signed and brought to school every morning. P.E will be on a Tuesday and Friday, and full P.E kit must remain in school until the end of every half term.


Please make sure to check our class page every half term to see what we have been up to in Year 3. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and see me. Thank you.

Planting seeds in Science

Sunflower Paintings - Vincent Van Gogh
