
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Wellbeing at St Michael's

At St. Michael’s, we have been focusing on improving our wellbeing through the Five Ways to Wellbeing.

What are the Five Ways of Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is feeling good and functioning well! When we have good wellbeing, we feel happy, connect with others and develop and maintain positive relationships. The five ways are:

  • Connect
  • Take notice,
  • Be active,
  • Give  
  • Learn.

Connect - Make time for talking, laughing and smiling with others.

Take notice - Recognise your own feelings and how other people are feeling. Ask your friends how they are and genuinely listen when they tell you. Take notice of what improves your wellbeing and what hinders it.

Be active - Make sure that you are active each day. Take an evening stroll or choose the stairs instead of a lift.

Give - At St. Michael’s, we love to conduct random acts of kindness to show our gratitude and appreciation for others. Give a smile, a hug, a compliment or some chocolate!

Learn - Learn one new fact a day. Keeping our brains active and working ensures that our wellbeing can thrive.

Feeding the Five Ways to Wellbeing through our day-to-day life is important to ensure we are happy, content, curious and engaged.

