
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Y2 Miss Patino / Miss Fitchett

Hello my name is Miss Fitchett and I am very excited to be your teacher in Year 2. This will be my first year of teaching and I am looking forward to us both enjoying Year 2 for the first time. Our year will be filled with many fun learning opportunities, both in and out of school. We will be using our outdoor classroom once a week, this will be a new and engaging learning environment for the children. In Year 2 we aim to become independent learners, this helps us to develop a positive learning attitude so that we are ready for the juniors at the end of the year.

I hope that you enjoy looking through our class page! If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, I will be more than happy to help.

Fun filled Fridays in Forest School. We love exploring, building and going on adventures.

We have been learning about baptisms. We enjoyed acting out a baptism and performing different roles.

Hello I'm Miss Patino and I am really excited about teaching Year 2 this year. Getting to know and teaching the children in Year 1 was absolutely fantastic and I feel privileged to continue their journey with them for another year. 

 In Year 2 we will be focusing on building on the skills that we learnt last year alongside learning about many new things.  A positive environment and encouragement from both home and school will allow your child to have an 'I can' approach to their learning and in turn a rewarding, enjoyable and exciting school year. 

I can guarantee that this year will be full of lots of very exciting opportunities for your child including; forest school, baking, games, crafts, trips outside of school and many more. 

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to come and see me at any time.

Collective Worship

Acting out a Baptism in Come and See

In Year 2 we love to sing and dance

Our visit to the Life Caravan was fantastic!

We can show our numbers in many different ways
