
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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  • Welcome Letter

    Fri 11 Sep 2020 P Loughran


    Friday 11th September 2020

    Dear Parents,

    As we begin our school year, I wanted to write to first welcome you and your family back and also to say thank you for working with us to ensure all of our new arrangements are working as well as they can so we all remain as safe as we can.

    It has been a delight to see all of the children return and looking so smart, but more importantly with a smile on their faces. We have certainly missed them all and I am sure you, like us, are simply glad to get a little normality back in your lives. I am sure there will be more obstacles to overcome in the next weeks and months ahead, but I am also very confident that as a school community we will adapt accordingly.

    The first day was a little hectic, but since then our arrangements seem to be working well. Can I just remind you to keep to your times for drop off and pick up to prevent any cross over of pods and for just one adult per family to attend to help us to keep our safety procedures as effective as we can.

    Breakfast and after school club are now up and running with efficient practices and routines in place. Across the school, our cleaners are doing a fabulous job wiping down surfaces and equipment regularly. Both staff and pupils are adhering to our hand washing practices and overall I am very pleased with the first week in school.

    The children have returned with a fantastic attitude to learn and appear to have grown even more in independence and resilience. We will continue to provide the very best education we can for all of our pupils and work with you, to ensure we achieve this.

    We are looking forward to a very successful, although somewhat different year. In school, I have tried to keep our days and routines as normal as possible. Obviously not having the chance to do assemblies or invite parents in to school is not ideal. However, I will be reviewing this regularly to see what we can do in the coming weeks.

    I would welcome your views or comments on how you feel the arrangements we have set up so far are working and look forward to working with you over this academic year.

    Kind Regards

    Mr Loughran





  • COVID 19 Information and Update

    Fri 04 Sep 2020 P Loughran


    Re: Covid-19 Information and Updates

    The Local Authority has provided all schools with a number of letter templates and other information to share with parents/carers.  These letters will only be shared in the following circumstances:  

    1. Warn and Inform Letter:  this explains that someone in the school community has tested positive for Covid-19, although your son/daughter has not been identified as being in close contact.


    1. Outbreak Letter:  If there have been two or more confirmed cases of Covid-19 in school, all parents/carers will be informed, although pupils will only need to self-isolate if they are identified as a ‘close contact’.


    1. Close Contact of Confirmed Case Letter: this letter explains that a parent/carer and/or a pupil has been a close contact of a confirmed case of Covid-19 and must self-isolate for 14 days.

    As we work together as a school community, it is imperative that we only act on factual information. If you are told or see on social media that there is a positive case in school, it may not be accurate information and I respectfully ask parents/carers to wait until the school advises them of a positive case, should this occur.  It may be that a pupil is at home awaiting the results of another family member and, if the test is negative, would return to school the next day as long as they do not have any symptoms.

    The symptoms of Covid-19 remain as:

    • a high temperature,
    • a new, continuous cough or
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

    When to self-isolate:

    Pupils and parents/carers must self-isolate immediately if:

    • They have any symptoms of coronavirus (you are advised to get tested so that the correct procedures can be followed and Track and Trace can be initiated).
    • They have tested positive for coronavirus – this means they have received a positive Covid-19 test result. 
    • They live with someone who has symptoms or tested positive
    • Someone in their support bubble has symptoms or tests positive
    • They are told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
    • You arrive in the UK from a country with a high coronavirus risk – see GOV.UK: how to self-isolate when you travel to the UK

    If a parent/carer and/or pupil think they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, but they do not have symptoms and have not been told to self-isolate, continue to follow social distancing advice, but pupils CAN come to school.

    When to get a test:

    Get a test as soon as possible if you or your son/daughter have any symptoms of coronavirus.

    Remember, the symptoms of Covid-19 are: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and/or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

    The test needs to be done in the first 5 days of having symptoms.

    You do not need to get a test if you have no symptoms.

    Please advise the school office, as soon as possible the result of any Covid-19 tests carried out and send a copy of the email to school.

    What to do if your child’s coronavirus (COVID-19) test is negative:

    You must inform the school office of this straight away.  If your child’s result is negative and they are free of the symptoms for 48 hours and no longer feel unwell, they can return to school.

    What to do if your child’s coronavirus (COVID-19) test is positive:

    You must inform the school office of this straight away. This is so we can inform Halton Borough Council and next steps can be taken to protect others.

    Your child will need to self-isolate for at least 10 days until they feel better and their symptoms have gone. A cough or lack of taste and smell might last longer than 10 days, but your child can still return to school.

    Your household and any other contacts must isolate for 10 days and watch for symptoms.


    Where a pupil is unable to attend school because they are complying with clinical and/or public health advice, such as quarantine or self-isolation, the school will provide access to remote learning. School staff will monitor engagement with this activity. This will be in a similar style to the home learning from the summer term.   If a pupil is absent because they are unwell (Covid-19 or any other illness), no learning at home will be provided.

    Communication Reminders

    Ensuring we have open home/school communication is crucial to our management of Covid-19. Please ensure your contact information is up to date as several emails sent at the end of last week ‘bounced back’. If you have new contact details, please update the School Office with a new personal information form.

     Kind Regards


    Mr Loughran

