
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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  • Welcome Back!

    Tue 05 Sep 2017 Mr Loughran

    Friday 8th September 2017

    Dear Parents/Carers


    It was lovely to see so many happy, smiley faces on our return to school this week and wonderful to hear about the many adventures and experiences that the children have had over the holidays. A huge thank you for sending your children in looking so smart and ready to learn.


    May I also pass on my sincere thanks on behalf of all of the staff for your kind cards, gifts and words at the end of last year. It really is very kind of you and very much appreciated by us all.


    I was extremely proud as Headteacher to read the wonderful comments and feedback you shared on the school report forms. As a school we all continue to strive to provide the very best education for all of our pupils. It is very rewarding to see that this is recognised by you as parents/carers and as a partnership we will continue to improve. Please read and share the comments you, as parents, have said about our school.


    We have been delighted to welcome a number of new pupils to our school and they have all settled in very well. Please keep them and all of the pupils and staff in your prayers as we begin our new school year.


    We will continue to provide a wide range learning experiences, a quality curriculum, a variety of residential trips and many extra-curricular activities. In return, we ask for your full support in all that we do. This may range from smart clean uniform every day, daily reading with your child, encouraging children with their homework tasks and supporting our behaviour policy and expectations. We are proud of the high standards and expectations we have in school and we will strive to maintain and improve at all times.


    All of the staff remain committed and dedicated to their roles. Please support them and communicate with them whenever you need to, whether on the yard or if you need an appointment. Equally my door is always open to speak with parents/carers at all times and the school office are happy to help with any queries in the year ahead. Communication between home and school is the key to successful learning and happy children and is an area of St Michael’s that we are very proud of.


    I look forward to seeing you all throughout the year.


    Thank you and God bless.



    Mr Loughran

