
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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  • Letter from Mr Loughran

    Fri 29 Jan 2021
  • Letter from Mr Loughran-Headteacher

    Wed 06 Jan 2021 P Loughran

    Dear Parent/Carer

    As you aware the Government announced new changes with very little time to plan anything and I pass on my apologies that we had to close with such short notice.

    It has however given the staff the opportunity and time to set up a structured timetable of learning experiences for all the children over the next few weeks. 


    Your child's teacher will be sending an email to explain what has been planned. It is also their intention to ring you personally over the next few days to make contact and explain what will be happening.

    The lockdown will be different to the last one as there is now a legal responsibility to provide remote leaning experiences. I am sure you are aware of the difficulties of getting some children to engage in these, however I must reiterate that it is an expectation that all children have access to the internet via tablet, phone or computer and that they are able to complete the work set by staff. We will of course work closely with all our families to best achieve this and will support each other in helping to meet these expectations. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns.


    Again we are in very unusual times but we will work together to get through this. Our communication with Parent/Carers is exceptional and I thank you for your continued support. As always we are here to help you. We will continue to open for children of key workers and some other children ,if you need to contact us.

    Please take care of yourself and your families.

    Stay safe, stay strong and as we said in the last lockdown;

    'When we were asked to stay apart, we stayed together as our St Michael's family'


    God Bless

    Mr Loughran


  • New procedures for Children and Parents during lockdown

    Wed 06 Jan 2021 P Loughran

    Children must arrive at school between 8:50-9:00am and will enter as normal through the pedestrian gate. The one way system will remain in place.

    Reception class children will be dropped off at their classroom door as normal at 9:00am once the other children have left the playground.

    Collection times are as follows and children should be collected from their normal collection point:

    Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 - Collect at 3:00pm (2:30pm on a Friday)

    Y5 and Y6 - Collect at 3:05pm (2:30pm on a Friday)

    Paid breakfast and after school club will still be running and you can continue to book after school club sessions with Jenny.

    School lunches are still available for both paid and free children and children can bring a packed lunch if they wish.

    Full uniform is to be worn by all children. PE and forest school sessions will start next week.
