
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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  • Christmas at St Michael's School

    Thu 31 Dec 2015 Mr Loughran

    We enjoyed some wonderful experiences during Advent at St Michael's and each week we made sure we took time out to reflect at our weekly Advent assemblies.

    Thank you to all of our families for attending all of our events so enthusiastically.

    The children and staff worked hard on their Christmas Productions and the Foundation Nativity and Year 1/2 production were fabulous.

    Thank you also to the children of KS2 who provided us with such a lovely evening at Church.

    From the Christmas Fair to the Raffle and Coffee morning we were delighted to see so many of you supporting the school. Our new reception class held an open morning and the staff of the Foundation Unit were thrilled with the attendance - a really fantastic partnership with parents and the school.


    Can we thank you sincerely for your continued support - working together w can continue to provide your children with the very best education and offer them every opportunity to learn in a supportive, safe and caring environment.


    Here are just a few of the photographs from a couple of the events.
