
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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  • April update

    Thu 16 Apr 2020 Mr Loughran

    Dear Parents/Carers


    I do hope you all managed to have an enjoyable Easter and that you are all remaining safe and taking every precaution in line with government guidance.


    Hopefully you have been enjoying speaking to your child's teacher and teaching assistants over the past weeks and that this has helped children feel connected to the school. I know many of you are emailing teachers regularly and please do continue to do this.


    I would like to thank every member of our dedicated staff who continue to work in school to ensure that those children who need to attend school can do so safely. 


    We look forward to seeing you all in school as soon as it is safe to do so and we will keep you updated with any guidance we receive.


    Kind regards

    Mr Loughran
