
St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

In God’s love we believe and achieve

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Wellbeing in schools Award

After two years of hard work and commitment, St Michael's has been awarded the Optimus Education 'Wellbeing Award for Schools'


St Michael's Wellbeing team have gone through a process of self-evaluation, action planning, portfolio building and verification to show they have met the necessary standards for the award.


The award is built on eight objectives which epitomise best practice. Amongst these objectives, the school must:

  • be committed to promoting and protecting positive emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • regard wellbeing and mental health as the responsibility of everyone
  • actively promote positive staff wellbeing

 On behalf of all at St Michael's we would like to thank the Wellbeing team and all of the staff for their continued commitment to the Wellbeing of all in our school community.

